CINEC Campus Sri Lanka invites applications for the Pearsons HND in Computing on Network Engineering and HND in Computing on Software Engineering.
HND in Computing is a 2 Year programme with 4 seminsters with below detail subjects
HND in Computing on Network Engineering
1st Semester
- Programming
- Networking
- Professional Practice
- Managing Successful Computing Project
2nd Semester
- Security
- Database Design & Development
- Computer system architecture
- Maths for computing
3rd Semester
- Computing Research Project
- Business Intelligence
- System Analysis & Design
- E-Commerce & Strategy
4th Semester
- Computing Research Project (Continued)
- Transport Network Design
- Cloud Computing
- Networks Security
HND in Computing on Software Engineering
1st Semester
- Programming
- Networking
- Professional Practice
- Managing Successful Computing Project
2nd Semester
- Security
- Database Design & Development
- Computer system architecture
- Maths for computing
3rd Semester
- Computing Research Project
- Business Intelligence
- System Analysis & Design
- E-Commerce & Strategy
4th Semester
- Computing Research Project (Continued)
- Discrete Maths
- Data Structures and algorithms
- Advance Programming
Course Fee: Rs. 250,000/- + NBT 2%
for more details contact to CINEC on 011 41 35 00 or see below image

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