Applications are invited for the recruitment of Graduates who are permanent residents of the Western Province and all other mentioned schools under the Western Provincial Ministry of Education.
Applicants who are permanent residents of the following provinces will be given opportunities based on the marks scored by them only if the required numbers of applicants with permanent residency in the Western Province have not passed the written examination for the vacancies that exist in the Western Province.
- Sabaragamuwa Province
- Central Province
- Uva Province
- Northern Province and Eastern Province (Only for Information Technology and Aesthetic Subjects)
Further, residents of any province may apply only for Science and Mathematics subjects in Tamil medium.
Qualifications – Every candidate should be
- A citizen of Sri Lanka
- Should have an excellent moral character and should be physically and mentally fit to discharge the duties
- Should be not less than 18 years and not more than 35 years as at 22.12.2017.
- Should have obtained a Degree from a university recognized by the University Grants Commission. (Validity date of the Degree Certificate should be on or before 22.12.2017)
- Should have passed in six (06) subjects including mother tongue and Mathematics with three (03) credit least five subjects in one sitting)
- Should have passed in three (03) subjects in one sitting at the G.C.E. (Adv. Level) Examination.
- Should have been continuously residing within the relevant province for three years immediately prior to 22.12.2017. It is mandatory to submit the Certificate of Residency issued by the Grama Niladhari on the Interview Board to prove the residency.
Method of Recruitment
Recruitment will be made through a written examination conducted by the Western provincial Public Service Commission or by any other authorized institution and a normal interview and practical test conducted by the Western Provincial Public Service Commission, A written examination will be held for the vacancies that exist in the schools on school basis.
Out of the applicants who pass the written examination, applicants numbering three times of the existing vacancies in the school will be called for the normal interview based on their marks achieved in the examination and those qualify at the interview will be called for a practical test. Those who qualify will be appointed based on the order of the total marks scored at the written examination and in the practical test.
This examination will be held in the cities of Colombo, Gampaha and Kalutara. If adequate numbers of applicants have not applied from the respective districts, examination will be held only in the Colombo city.
The written examination and the practical test conducted for recruitment to the Western Provincial Teacher Service will be as follows.
This examination will consist of two question papers.
- Aptitude Test – Duration 01 Hour (100 Marks)
- General Knowledge – Duration 01 Hour (100 Marks)
To pass the written examination should obtain at least 40 marks in each question paper and should have passed in both subjects.
Subject No. 1 : Aptitude test
This question paper will be prepared to test the skills and the logical knowledge the candidate has in teaching profession. This question paper will consist of 50 questions requiring multiple choice and short answers. Short answers should be provided to all the questions.
Subject No. 1 : General Knowledge
This question paper will consist of questions requiring multiple choice and short answers testing the general knowledge regarding the teaching field and/or general knowledge regarding past and current educational tendencies and the general knowledge regarding the educational reforms. Answers should be provided to all questions.
Practical test:
Applicant should make a presentation under a topic identified by him at the practical test. Marks will be given for the practical test on below criteria
- Objective and access
- Personality and voice control
- Clearness in communication
- Time management
- Use of presentation skill
For more details and conditions of service see below image

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