The Open University of Sri Lanka invites applications for the Advanced Certificate in Pre-School Education from those who have obtained the OUSL “Certificate In Pre-school Education”.
Online Application forms for enrolment for the above programme will be available from 22.10.2017 to 23.11.2017. This Programme will be conducted in Sinhala, English & Tamil media at the Colombo Regional Centre (Nawala) and Kandy Regional Centre.
The Programme will be conducted at the following centres (only if a sufficient number of students are registered) in the Sinhala medium at Matara. Anuradhapura, Kurunegala, Bandarawela, Ampara, and Rathnapura Centres and in Tamil medium at the Jaffna, Batticaloa, Puttalam, Vavuniya, & Hatton Centres.
Duration – one year
Application Requirement/ Qualification
- Applicants should be 18 years or over on the closing date of applications.
- Should have completed the Certificate in Pre-School Education Programme conducted by the Open University of Sri Lanka.
Applicants who wish to follow the programme in English medium should possess at least a Credit pass (Before 2001) or “B” pass (from 2001) for English Language in G.C.E (Ordinary Level).
Application Procedure
Apply online by visiting our web page : Submission of Applications from: 22nd October 2017 Closing Date of Applications: 23rd November 2017 Application fee : Rs 250/=
Brochures containing details of the above programme can be downloded from
Application fee could be paid online using a debit / credit card or EZ Cash. Those who do not have a debit / credit card can make the payment in cash to the nearest Regional / Study centre of the OUSL.
Visit any one of the OUSL Regional and Study Centers to obtain information and assistance in the online application process.
For further information contact: Public Information Office, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. (on all days except public holidays) or call Programme Coordinator – 0112881400 / 0112881482
Or see below image

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