Senate of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura has decided to absorb students of B.Sc. Business Administration (General) External Degree (Old Syllabus) Programme to the B.Sc. Business Administration (General) External Degree (New Syllabus) conducted by the External Degrees and Extension Courses Unit (EDECU) of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. As such
- Students who have registered under the old syllabus and have not yet completed the Degree shall be given one more attempt to complete the Degree under the same syllabus in the year 2018.
- Students who could not complete the Degree in the year 2018, but have successfully completed the Degree part 1 are entitled to register under the new syllabus and to complete the Degree within maximum of three (03) more consecutive attempts.
Students who wish to continue the Degree under the new syllabus after 2018 shall register under the new syllabus by paying a nominal fee to the External Degrees and Extension Courses Unit (EDECU) of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Information about reregistration will be informed in due course. Subjects that the students should complete under the new syllabus and the exemptions for which they are entitled will be published in the official website of the External Degrees and Extension Courses Unit (EDECU) of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
For further information visit the following website. or call 0113132496, 0115929790

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