Sri Lanka Medical Council announce few changes in The Examination for Registration to Practise Medicine in Sri Lanka (ERPM) on 3 Categories available now.
Category 1: Candidates registered to sit the ERPM from before 1st September 2004.
Category 2: Candidates registered to sit the ERPM from 1st September 2004 to 28th February 2017.
Category 3: Candidates registering to sit the ERPM from 1st March 2017.
The essential format of the ERPM would remain the same but with the details included in this notice. Candidates are requested to refer to the description on each of ERPM Parts A, B, C and D as given in the SLMC web site: for details.
Category 1: Candidates registered to sit the ERPM from before 1st September 2004.
These candidates would continue with the ERPM as per conditions specified below:
- ERPM Part A (Theory papers 1. Medicine and Psychiatry, 2. Paediatrics and Psychiatry, 3.Surgery and 4. Obstetrics and Gynaecology): The present regulations to sit the ERPM Part A would be followed ERPM (Part A) should complete by 28th February 2019 the date for completion of all parts of ERPM (Parts A, B, C and D)
- ERPM Part D(Theory papers 5. Community Medicine. 6. Forensic Medicine): The present regulations to sit the ERPM Part D would be followed. ERPM (Part D) should be completed by 28th February 2019 the date for completion of all parts of ERPM (A, B, C and D).
- ERPM Part B (Clinical assessment in Medicine, Paediatrics, Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology) :The concept of “old format is to be eliminated and the present regulations to sit the ERPM (Part B) would apply from 1st March 2017
Conversion of marks from ERPM clinical examination done before 1st March 2017 In each subject in one and the same sitting a marks of 45 and above obtained at a previous old format’ examination for each of the History taking Station and Clinical examination station and an aggregate of 50 marks and above for the above two stations of the subject would be considered a pass in that subject
Eg: Pass when in the same sitting the subject marks for the History taking Station>=45% and the Clinical Examination Station>=45% and aggregate marks for the two stations giving a subject Total >=50%
Failure to score the above would require the candidate to follow the present ERPM Part B arrangement ERPM (Part B) should be complete by 28th February 2019 the date for completion of all parts of ERPM (A, B, C and D).
- ERPM Part C (Viva Voce) in Medical Track (Emergency Medicine and Paediatrics) Surgical Track (Emergency Surgery and Obst / Gynac).The concept of old format” is to be eliminated and the present regulations to sit the ERPM (Part C) would apply from 1st March 2017.
Conversion of marks from ERPM viva voce examination done before 1st March 2017. In each subject of a ‘Track” the maximum subject marks scored for the viva component at a previous “old format” examination would be added together and an aggregate mark of >=50% would be considered as a pass in that track as given below
Eg: Pass Medical Track when marks of Medicine viva + Paediatrics viva >=50%.
Pass Surgical Track when marks of Surgery viva+ Obstetrics and Gynaecology viva) >=50%.
Failure to obtain a track score of 50% or above would require the candidate to sit the ERPM (Part C) as per present arrangement. ERPM (Part C) should be completed by 28th February 2019 the date for completion of all parts of ERPM (A, B. C and D).
- The date to complete all Parts of ERPM (A B. C and D)is 28” February 2019.Thosc who complete all Parts of ERPM (A, B, C and D)would be eligible to obtain temporary registration with the SLMC to proceed to training as an Intern Medical Officer.
- Those candidates who fail to complete the ERPM (Parts A, B C and D) by 28th February 2019 would be required to REJOIN THE ERPM PROGRAMME from the beginning and re-sit ERPM (Parts A. B, C and D)conducted as per present regulations.
Category 2: Candidates registered to sit the ERPM from 1st September 2004 to 28th February 2017.
These candidates would continue with the ERPM as per conditions specified below:
- ERPM Part A(Theory papers 1 Medicine and Psychiatry, 2. Paediatrics and Psychiatry, 3.Surgery and 4. Obstetrics and Gynaecology): The present regulations to sit the ERPM Part A would be followed. ERPM (Part A) should be completed by 28th February 2019 or five (5) years from date of first registration whichever is later which would be the date for completion of all parts of ERPM (Parts A. B.C and D).
Note: Effective from 28th February 2019 subjects not passed or previously failed subjects should be attempted together at every attempt.
- ERPM Part D (Theory papers 5. Community Medicine. 6. Forensic Medicine): The present regulations to sit the ERPM Part 0 would be followed. ERPM (Part D) should be completed by 28th February 2019 or five (5) years from date of first registration whichever is later which would be the date for completion of all parts of ERPM (Parts A, B: C and D)
Note: Effective from 28th February 2019 subjects not passed or both previously failed subjects should be attempted together at every attempt.
- ERPM Part B (Clinical assessment in Medicine, Paediatrics, Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology) Continue in present ERPM Part B format and complete each subject of ERPM Part B based on the results obtained in each subject.
Note: Effective from 28th February 2019 subjects not passed or all previously failed subjects should be attempted together at every attempt.
The ERPM (Part B) should be completed by 28th February 2019 or five (5) years from date of first registration whichever is later which would be the date for completion of all parts of ERPM (Parts A B, C and D) These include the candidates who are not qualified to sit the tracks” of the ERPM Part B due to NOT completing the corresponding tracks in ERPM Part A
- ERPM Part C (Viva Voce) in Medical Track (Emergency Medicine and Paediatrics) and Surgical Track (Emergency Surgery and Obstetricsand Gynaecology) Continue in present ERPM Part C format and complete each Track of Part C based on the results obtained in each Track.
Note: Effective from 28“ February 2019 Tracks not passed or previously failed Tracks should be attempted together at every attempt.
The ERPM (Part c) should be completed by 28th February 2019 or five (5) years from date of first registration whichever is later which would be the date for completion of all parts of ERPM (Parts ABC and D). These include the candidates who are not qualified to sit the tracks ‘ of the ERPM Part C due to NOT completing the corresponding tracks in ERPM Part A.
- The date to complete all Parts of ERPM (Parts A B, C and D) is 28th February 2019 or five (5) years from the date of first registration whichever is later. Those who complete would be eligible to obtain Provisional Registration with the SLMC to proceed to training as an Intern.
- Those Candidates who fail to complete the ERPM (Parts A, B, C and D) by 28th February 2019 or five (5) years from date of first registration whichever is later would be required to REJOIN THE ERPM PROGRAMME from the beginning and re-sit ERPM Parts A, B, C and D conducted as per present regulations.
Category 3: Candidates registering to sit the ERPM from 1st March 2017.
These candidates would continue with the ERPM as per conditions specified below
- ERPM Part A(Theory papers 1 Medicine and Psychiatry, 2 Paediatrics and Psychiatry, 3.Surgery and 4 Obstetrics and Gynaecology): The present regulations to sit the ERPM Part A would be followed. ERPM (Part A) should be completed within five (5) years from the date of first registration which is the date for completion of all parts of ERPM (A, B, C and D).
Note: All subjects should be attempted at the first attempt and in subsequent attempts all previously failed subjects or subjects nol passed should be attempted together.
- ERPM Part D (Theory papers 5. Community Medicine, 6. Forensic Medicine): The present regulations lo sit the ERPM Part A would be followed. ERPM (Part D) should be completed within five (5) years from the date of first registration which is the date for completion of all parts of ERPM (A B. C and D).
Note: Both subjects should be attempted a: the first attempt and in subsequent attempts both previously failed subjects or subjects not passed should be attempted together.
- ERPM Part B (Clinical assessment in Medicine, Paediatrics, Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology) :Continue in present ERPM Part B format and complete each subject of Part B based or the results obtained n each subject.
Note All subject qualified to sit should be attempted ir the first attempt and In subsequent attempts all previously failed subject or subjects not passed should be attempted together as per present regulations o’ the ERPM.
The ERPM (Part B) should be completed within five (5) years from the date of first registration which is the date for completion of all parts of ERPM (A, B, C and D) by that candidate
- ERPM Part C (Viva Voce) in Medical Track (Emergency Medicine and Paediatrics) Surgical Track (Emergency Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology) Continue in present ERPM Part C format and complete each Track of Part C based on the results obtained in each Track.
Note All Tracks qualified to sit should be attempted in the first attempt. ln subsequent attempts both previously failed Tracks and Tracks not passed should be attempted together as per present regulations of the ERPM
- The date to complete all Parts of ERPM (A B. C and D) is five (5) years from the date of first registration. Those who complete mould be eligible to obtain Provisional Registration with the SLMC to proceed to training as an Intern.
- Those candidates who fail to complete the ERPM (Parts A. B. C and D) by five (5) years from the date of first registration would be required to REJOIN THE ERPM PROGRAMME from the beginning and re-sit ERPM Parts A, B C and D conducted as per present regulations
Note: Further details on the ERPM format and examination rules are available on the SLMC Web site: or see below image

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