ICA Networks Chair for Sri Lanka invites application for the worldwide recognized Post-Graduate qualification in compliance or AML as below
- ICA International Diploma in Governance, Risk & Compliance
- ICA International Diploma in Anti Money Laundering
These qualifications are awarded by the International Compliance Association, U.K. in association with Alliance Manchester Business School, the University of Manchester.
Target Audience for Diploma in GRC/AML
Regulatory Representatives; MLROs/MLPOs and their deputies, Police and FIU/FCID staff; Managers with responsibilities for internal AML controls; Company directors; Compliance Officers/Managers and their Deputies; Managers with responsibility for internal compliance controls; Risk Managers; Internal Audit Staff; Accountants; Corporate Lawyers; and Company Secretaries
Training Modality and Assessment for Both Diplomas
You will study through online learning (each module contains detailed chapters, self-learning exercises and reading materials) and attend four highly interactive full-day workshops which will be held on Saturdays from 9 00 a.m. to 5p.m
Assessment would be through two 2500-3500 word assignments and a 3 hour 15 minute open book examination.
Final Date for Enrolment 6 March 2017
Workshop Dates May, June, August, October
Written Examination November 2017
For more details please email: ichpl@hotmail.com or call Dr Dayanath Jayasuriya P.C., ICA Network Chair for Sri Lanka on Tel. 0777 384047 or see below image

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