Sri lanka Air Force invites applications for the cadetship Degree programme for below
- General Duties Pilot Branch (Male / Female)
- Technical Engineering Branch (Male)
- Electronic Engineering Branch (Male)
- Logistics Branch (Male / Female)
- Administrative Branch (Male / Female)
- Administrative Regiment Branch (Male)
- Operations Air Branch (Air Traffic Controller) (Male)
BSc ( Aviation Studies) Degree Entrant Qualifications – General Duties Pilot / Operations Air (Air Traffic Controller) Branches
A minimum of six passes at the G.C.E (O/L) examination with four credits including credit passes in English language. Mathematics, Science and an ordinary pass in Sinhala / Tamil language in one sitting and ordinary passes in three subjects at the GCE (A/L) examination in Physical Science (Combined Maths. Physics and Chemistry) / Bio Science (Biology. Physics and Chemistry) Streams (as applicable) in one sitting.
BSc ( Aviation Studies) Degree Entrant Qualifications -Technical Engineering /Electronic Engineering Branches
A minimum of six passes at the GCE (O/L) examination with four credits including credit passes in English language. Mathematics, Science and an ordinary pass in Sinhala / Tamil language in one sitting and ordinary passes m three subjects at the GCE (A/L) examination in Physical Science (Combined Maths, Physics and Chemistry) Stream in one sitting.
BSc ( Aviation Studies) Degree Entrant Qualifications -Logistics / Administrative , Administrative Regiment Branches
A minimum of six passes at the GCE (O/L) examination with four credits including credit passes in English language. Mathematics, Science and an ordinary pass in Sinhala / Tamil language in one sitting and ordinary passes in three subjects at the GCE (A/L) examination in Physical / Bio Science / Commerce / Technology Streams in one sitting. Students of the Arts Stream with a minimum of three ordinary passes at the GCE (A/L) examination are also eligible to apply for the Administrative Regiment Branch.
Other Requirements
Nationality : Must be a citizen of Sri Lanka
Civil Status : Candidates must be unmarried
Age : Not less than 18 years and not more than 22 years as at 20th May 2017
Height : Male – 5′ 6″ and above/ Female – 5′ 4″ and above
Weight : 17 < BMI < 26 Male / 17 < BMI < 25 Female
Chest : Minimum 32” (Male)
Colour Vision Standard : CP2
Visual Acuity : Left eye 6/6 and right eye 6/6 (Without spectacles)
Attractive pay with benefits covering food, accommodation, transport, uniforms and medical facilities
Candidates whose height, vision and weight are below the standards specified and who have no exceptional skill will not be interviewed. Any candidate who may have a special skill or value to the service may at the discretion of the Commander of the Air Force be considered even though he / she may not have the requisite height provided he / she possess the requisite academic qualifications.
Specimen Application
- Full name (As per National identity Card)
- Branch applied
- Permanent address
- Present postal address
- Nearest Police Station to permanent address
- Date of birth
- Height
- Gender
- Telephone number
- School attended
- Educational qualifications (Ordinary & Advanced Level)
- Achievements in sports / extracurricular activities
- Details of previous service in the Armed forces if any
- Other achievements of note
I hereby certify and declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge Date:……………………………………………….
Signature of Applicant
For more details see below image

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