Applications for admission for the year 2016 are now available for children between the ages of three (3) and five (5).
Application for admission will be available at the Pamankada Office from 14.09.2015 to 21.09.2015 during office hours (between 09.00 am and 01.00 pm), during weekdays only. You may obtain an admission issued free of charge by producing your National Identity Card.
Duly completed application forms will be accepted at the Pamankada Office between 09.00 am and 01.00 pm from 21.09.2015 to 26.09.2015 (weekdays only).
Please note that completed applications will not be accepted by post (even as registered post) and must be handed over in person to the office at 37, Dutugamunu Street Pamankada, Dehiwala
For more detail see below image

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