The Open University of Sri Lanka is Invites application for the Engineering and Industrial studies for the academic year of 2015/2016.
Bachelor of Technology Honours in Engineering
Specialized in: Civil, Computer, Electrical, Electronics and communication, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Textile and clothing
Entry Qualification
- 3 passes in GCE (A/L) Mathematics stream or
- Passes in foundation courses for technology at the OUSL or
- Any other equivalent or higher qualification {such as NDT, NDES or HNDE)
Application Fee: Rs.500/=
Bachelor of Industrial Studies Honours
Specialized in: Agriculture, Apparel production and management, Fashion design and product development, Textile manufacture
Entry Qualification
Agriculture specialization:
- 3 passes in science subjects at GCE(A/L) examination including Biology or Any other equivalent or higher qualification
Apparel production and management. Fashion design and product development and Textile manufacture specializations:
Passes in any 3 subjects in GCE (A/L) examination or
- Completion of Certificate in Industrial Studies at the OUSL or
- Passes in foundation courses for technology at the OUSL or
- Any other equivalent or higher qualification (such as NDT, SLITA or Brandix Diploma)
Application Fee: Rs.500/=
Bachelor of Software Engineering Honours
Entry Qualification
- 3 passes at GCE (A/L) in any stream or Any other equivalent qualification and
- one year tertiary level qualification or
- Diploma in Information Systems and Technology { DIST) and passing a selection test. ( 02nd / 03rd October 2015 )
Application Fee : Rs.750/=
Diploma in Information Systems and Technology (DIST)
Entry Qualification
- 3 passes at GCE (A/L) in any stream or Any other equivalent qualification
Application Fee: Rs.500/=
Certificate in Industrial Studies
Apparel Technology {in English and Sinhala )
Animal Husbandry and Aquaculture – (For information call 0112881315 or 0112881062)
Entry Qualification
No formal educational qualifications are required, but formal education up to G.C.E. (O/L) is desirable Application Fee: Rs.350/=
Master of Technology (MTech)
Specialize in: Apparel Production and Management, Construction Management
Entry Qualification
- Degree in the relevant field or Any other qualification acceptable to the Senate
Application Fee: Rs.1000/=
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
The faculty provides opportunity to read for these research degrees. Those who are interested may contact the relevant academic departments.
For all above courses applications are issued from 25th August to 18th September 2015. For more details contact to Open University of Sri Lanka on 112 881351 /228
Or see below image

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