About the Program
The Global Disaster Resilience & Leadership (GDRL) Fellowship Program is a core component of the Strengthening Leadership in Disaster Relilience Program (SLDRP), which aims to reduce disaster risk in vulnerable communities by systematically strengthening the existing capacity of disaster risk reduction (DRR) practitioners, supporting the development of future leaders, and working towards sustainability through a global network of academic, public and private stakeholders.
This project, funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is led by Tulane University’s Disaster Resilience Leadership Academy of USA in partnership with universities and disaster risk reduction and resilience building regional entities in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. In Sri Lanka, the program is being implemented by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center in partnership with the Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya with the support of the Ministry of Disaster Management and the Disaster Management Center, Sri Lanka. The short course on Disaster Resilience Leadership was conducted per year from 2012-2014, and 52 Sri Lankan participants have successfully completed the course and have joined the GDRL Fellowship Network.
Eligibility & Nomination
The GDRL Fellowship Program seeks the participation of individuals with great potential for leadership, previous demonstrable contribution to the DRM and Resilience arenas, and a vested interest in positively contributing to, and advancing, the emerging field of Disaster Resilience leadership.
GDRL Fellows will be nominated by organizations which implements DRM programs, based on the aforementioned description. They should be at executive leadership levels representing:
- National, provincial and district administrative and technical service staff who have prior experience / engagement with disaster risk management and or disaster response
- Private Sector Agencies
- Non-Governmental Organizations
- Academia such as Universities and Training Institutes
- Media Agencies both private and public
- Local Government bodies
GDRL Fellows will receive financial support to cover travel and workshop related costs to attended two regional training workshops on “Disaster Resilient Leadership” Fellows shall he committed to attend the first workshop from 26th – 30th July 2015 in Sri Lanka and the second workshop (exact dates to he confirmed), and contribute to the global network of disaster resilience leaders.
Application Form
For details, guidelines and application form, please visit the following website: www.pgis.lk/gdrl
Deadline for Receiving Applications: 16th July 2015
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