The University of Colombo calls for applications from qualified candidates for enrollment to the above study programme conducted in English medium and which provides the avenue for advanced study in Demography and Population. This course is particularly beneficial to persons working in the field of population, economics, statistics, planning and related disciplines, but other interested persons too are encouraged to apply.
The eligibility for admission to the MA degree programme in Demography is as follows:
- A candidate who has completed the Special Degree Programme in Demography from the University of Colombo achieving at least Second Class lower Division or
- A candidate who has completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Population Studies of the University of Colombo or an equivalent postgraduate qualification in Population Studies / Demography from a recognized University achieving a pass or A candidate who holds a Bachelors degree which has Demography discipline or related subjects and a minimum of five years experience in the field of population or a related discipline.
This is a fee levying one year Masters Degree Programme which consists of course work and a dissertation. The total cost is around Rs. 85,000/- could be paid in two installments. The details of payment procedures are found in the course brochures that will be made available from the Department of Demography.
Application form can be obtained from Department of Demography, University of Colombo, Colombo 3 by paying Rs. 1,500/= to People’s Rank main collection account of University of Colombo under the ref. No. 304070600000.
Relevant instructions with regard to application, fee payment and other procedures are given in the brochure issued with the application form. For any further clarification and details regarding the programme you may contact the Coordinator of the programme on 2586111 or via email to Department of Demography, University of Colombo.
Closing date of applications: 30th March 2015
For more details see below image

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