PIM Pioneered the MBA programme over 30 years ago and continues to offer the leading and most sought-after MBA programme in Sri Lanka PIM offers its new MBA programme that is aimed at developing five key competencies in a challenging, yet an enjoyable setting, that enables its participants to strike the vital work-life-learn balance.
The programme will focus on the following competencies:
- Strategic thinking and integrative analysis
- Problem analysis and decision making
- Interpersonal relations and teamwork
- Effective management communication
- Systems design and implementation
PIM’s MBA programme has been re-engineered, based on our experience of conducting the programme for over thirty years, and the emerging needs of today’s competitive local and global markets.
The programme spans a period of two years and moves logically and sequentially from courses on Management Foundations to Integrative Studies, followed by Elective Courses and Research Paper/Project. For those who are academically bent the thesis option is also available.
The programme is structured on robust theoretical foundations and immediate practical applications.
Action-learning that is facilitated by assignments and project work helps students to relate the cutting-edge knowledge they gather to their world-of-work
The new MBA programme is designed to help the busy working manager. It is our experience that those who enjoy study, do best in the programme, and it is our endeavour to provide a rich learning experience that will transform student-managers into outstanding leaders and achievers.
The MBA programme complies with the Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework (SLQF)-Exit Level 8. Students have the option to follow the general MBA programme or specialize in either Human Resource Management or Finance.
Applications for admission to the MBA degree programme will be accepted up to 30th August, 2014. Qualified applicants will possess a university degree or an equivalent qualification and three years work experience in an executive capacity. Applicants must possess a good knowledge of English.
A copy of the Programme Handbook and application form, could be obtained from the PIM office on payment of Rs. 500/-.
Postgraduate Institute of Management,
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
28, Lesley Ranagala Mawatha,
Colombo 8.
Tel: 2689639 Fax: 2689643
For more details see below image

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