Course Description
The course specifically focuses on two key competency areas. Interpersonal Communication and Meeting Etiquettes. The value for the participant from this course is that it will help to develop confidence in m his/her interpersonal communication. This course will cover leading NLP and basic directive communication practices that would lead to better communication at client meetings, more contribution of ideas at meetings and a clear communication between the participants and key clients. This course explores meeting management in a specific way where interpersonal communication can be leveraged to manage and mitigate conflicts in client meetings to create an engaging experience
Target Group
- Personnel in client servicing
- Sales
- Marketing
- Key account handling and also those who interact with clients.
Learning Outcomes
- Meeting etiquettes and creating a first impression
- Demonstrate key interpersonal communication
- Practices at Meetings
- Manage and mitigate conflicts through
- Interpersonal communication
- Modular and NLP based communication in
- Handling questions and conversations
- Persuasive Communication
- Meeting Etiquettes
- Creating dynamic and a engaging client experiences
- Sharing ideas and extracting information
- Demonstrate improved communication and client handling skills during meetings.
Resource Person – Dananjaya J Hettiarachchi
Date: 29th March 2014
Time: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
Venue: Taj Samudra
For more detail contact to Franki: 0727-774-587 or Thilini: 0727-296-926

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