The Open University of Sri Lanka invites applications for the Bachelor of Software Engineering from the interested candidates.
The Open University of Sri Lanka is an National University in Sri Lanka and wiith industry partnership in Sri Lanka.
Why It’s unique
The Bachelor of Software Engineering degree (BSE) which is designed according to ACM/IEEE curriculum guidelines, is the first of its kind offered by a national university in Sri Lanka.
You can complete the degree within 3 years.
Programme Delivery
Through online classes, face-to-face interaction, laboratory sessions and printed course materials. Industry-oriented courses will be conducted by leading technology experts chosen from the industry.
Industry placement
The opportunity to work alongside software industry professionals and receive industrial training.
Entry Qualifications
- 3 GCE A/L passes (except general ICT and general English) OR Equivalent other qualification AND
- Successful completion of a qualification such as a Diploma / Higher Diploma at SLQF level 3 / NVQ level 5 or above.
This Programme will be conducted only in the Colombo Regional Centre in Nawala.
Selection test will be held on 10th December 2017 at 2.00p.m. at Colombo Regional Centre Pre – Orientation session will be held on 28th October 2017 at 10.00a.m. at Colombo Regional Centre
Application and Applying Process
Apply online by visiting our web page: Submission of Applications: 22nd October 2017 Closing Date of Applications: 22nd November 2017 Application fee : Rs 600/=
Brochures containing details of the above programme can be downloded from our official website:
Application fee could be paid online using a debit / credit card or EZ Cash.
For more details contact to Bachelor of Software Engineering on Tel : (011)2881081 / 011 2881000 Ext. 581 or see below image

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