Sri Lanka CERT | CC and ICTA organised 10th Annual National Conference on Cyber Security with the theme of Securing Critical Infrastructure & Environment on 30th August 2017 at Colombo Hilton Ballroom.
Being the flagship event of the Cyber Security Week 2017 program co-organized by Sri Lanka CERT | CC and ICTA, this conference attracts a large number of eminent speakers. It is a platform where participants can interact with industry experts to;
Update their knowledge on key security areas that matter both locally and globally, commercially and personally,
Understand emerging technologies and the security issues pertinent to those technologies,
Provide a meeting ground for like minded individuals with a special interest in information security to forge alliances, share knowledge and experience and build consensus on security issues of the day.
Early Bird Fee : LKR 15,000/- per participant (deadline: 21st August 2017)
Regular Fee: LKR 18,000/- per participant (Price is inclusive of lunch 6 refreshments)
Payment is by cash or cheque. Cheques should be drawn in favour of “Sri Lanka CERT (Pvt) Ltd”
The conference is followed by: Cocktails & Security Awards Ceremony Colombo Hilton Ballroom
For more detail and Registration contact to event secretariat: ANFAL NILAR: 0771568 666 or see below image

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