Successful completion of your MBA now entitles you to become a Full Member (MABE) or Fellow Member (FABE) of the Association of Business Executives with the prestigious designatory letters after your name.
Now you can add value to your current list of qualifications with the ABE (UK) Full membership. In order to obtain the Full Membership you need to have a recognized MBA and a minimum of 4 years of managerial work experience. There will be no requirement to sit for any examinations, simply face an interview to obtain the full ABE membership.
Members may use the letters MABE (UK) after their name in recognition of their level of achievement.
This is the highes level of membership offered by ABE, in order to obtain the fellow membership you need to process a minimum of four years of senior managerial work experience(General Manager or Higher)along with a recognized master qualification and a clear commitment to ABE. All applicants for the fellow greade will be interviewed before being recommended to the ABE council via skype.
Fellows are allow to use the letters FABE (UK) after their name in recognition of their level of achievement.
For more information call 0114 718 711 -2 / Hotline 0773 432 496 or see below image

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