The Open University of Sri Lanka [OUSL] invites applications for the Diploma in English Language and Literature conducted by the Department of Language Studies.
This one-year academic programme is designed to enhance learners’ language skills: reading, writing, grammar, and communication skills. It also introduces them to major literature genres poetry, fiction and drama. The programme will be of special interest to learners of English language and literature, and anyone interested in enhancing: their communication skills in English and gaining a basic knowledge of English Literature.
This Programme will be conducted only at the Colombo Regional Centre of the OUSL.
After successful completion of the Diploma n English Language and Literature, it will be possible for candidates to gain direct entry to the BA in English and English Language Teaching programme conducted by the OUSL.
Entry Requirements
3 passes at the GCE Advanced Level and a pass at the Selection Test or the above programme conducted by the Department of Language Studies or
Passed the OUSL Certificate in Professions English (after 2012), with a minimum of 3 C passes or
Passed the OUSL Advanced Certificate In English for Business and Professional Communication (Stage ii). With the following minimum passes: B+ Reading and Writing and B- in Business Communication skills and Speech & Listening.
Issue of Application Forms and Brochures
All applicants should be above 18 years of age
An application form costs Rs.750/=
A limited number of application forms will be issued between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m from 04th August – 1st September 2015 to personal callers at the Public Information Office;
The duly completed application forms should reach the Assistant director/Regional Officer of the Regional Centre where the application form was obtain on or before 1st September 2015
Prospective applicants could also submit applications online by visiting our webpage (www.ou.iclk). Relevant payment could be made online through Debit / Credit card.
Public Information Office – 011 2881327, 011 2881256
See below image for more details

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