There are many foreign Medicine (MBBS/MD) Degree programmes available in Sri Lanka, some programmes offers 4 Years Medical Degree programmes and some do offer 5 to 6 Years Degree Programmes.
These Degree Programmes are mainly based on foreign country and this would lead a cost approximately Rs. 3.38 Million Upwards, In addition to that there will be about a Rs. 1 Million would cost for travelling and all accommodations for the period of degree programme.
Therefore the total cost of the foreign Medicine would be cost about Rs. 4.38 Million to Rs. 5 Million.
There are many banks do offer Banks loan for the degree programme which would be payable about 7 or 8 years period.
For more details about the foreign MBBS or MD Degree programme call Pathe Academy on 0777 558 9 66 / 0772 578 567 / 0773237050
Or see below image

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