Open University of Sri Lanka invites applications for a short course on Certificate in Tourism & Hotel Operations for target to School leavers, job seekers and those already employed.
Entry Requirement: At least 18 years of age at time of registration.
Medium: English
Venue: At the Open University Centers in Colombo, Kandy and Jaffna. Other centers may be considered If there are at least 15 Students from each center.
Dates: 10 Sundays commencing from mid March 2015
Course Fee: Rs. 7000
Duly perfected application forms available at the above venues (or downloadable from OUSL website) should be sent to Course Coordinator/Tourism, Department of Social Studies. Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawale, Nugegoda on or before 10th March 2015.
Further details are available in the website or contact to 0777447261 or see below image

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