The Department of Human Resource Management of the University of Kelaniya has been delivering outstanding graduates in Human Resource Management in the country aligned with the corporate sector. Having properly analyzed the potentials of emerging trends in the field of Human Resource Management. Department of Human Resource Management has decided to offer Higher Diploma in Human Resource Management enhanced with intellectual and professional insights. the department intends to offer Human Resource Management related knowledge to those who wish to pursue a Human Resource career and enhance the disciplinary knowledge in Human Resource Management lo people already employed in the corporate sector. These programs will be a belter foundation for Human Resource Management related advanced studies and will pave the way for career push in Human Resource Management discipline. The details of the diploma program have been presented below.
Entry Requirements
- Passed G.C.E Advanced Level Examination in one attempt in any stream or
- Completed National Vocational Qualification Level (NVQI ) 4’ Sri Lanka Quality Framework
- (SLQF)2 (A foundation course followed by passing an aptitude test or completion of NVQF level 4 or accredited work experience or accredited prior learning may also be considered as equivalent qualification for admission to SI QF level 3 in a particular field of specialization). or
- Any other qualification accepted by the Senate of the University of Kelaniya
Programme Duration and Credits
Duration: One year
Medium of Instructions English
Course fee: Rs 70,000/- (Tuition fee + exam Fee)
Application Procedure:
Applications can be obtained from the Department of Human Resource Management. University of Kelaniya personally or by post by forwarding a receipt of payment of Rs.500 to any branch of the People’s Bank to Account No: 055-1001-10667549 .Application forms can be downloaded from the web site und should be accompanied with the receipt of Rs.500 payment Duly completed applications should be sent to the course coordinator. Diploma in Human Resource Management. Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies. University of Kelaniya on or before 30th January 2015.
For further information contact:
Contact to Course Coordinator Tel: 0112-903602/ 0777-800270 or see below image

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