HR Development is an ever expanding profession mainly due to its strategic placement in the overall HR strategy of the organization. People development is identified as key criteria in the organisation’s ability to achieve its business goals A unique feature of this specialisation is that it meets the required competency profile to become a successful trainer or training manager.
IPM’s NDTHRD is a comprehensive study programme which encompasses the critical theoretical concepts and models coupled with opportunities to enhance essentially practical skills. The programme is delivered by an outstanding panel of trainers as well as those specialising in different disciplines
Entry Requirements
- Graduate of a UGC recognized university or full professional qualification from a professional institute accepted by IPM Or
- Three Passes of G.C.E (A/L) examination in one sitting including 3 years of executive level experience in a reputed organization
- Six Passes at G.C.E (O/L) examination in one sitting with 5 years of executive level experience in a reputed organization
- Those who have successfully completed any certificate level course at IPM
Duration: 1 Year (Plus three months for the project report)
Investment: Rs. 85,000/- (Could be paid in three instalments 35,000 + 30,000 + 20,000)
- A 10% discount will be offered for full upfront payments, on or before the deadline OR
- IPM Students, who have completed or following PQHRM stage III, are also entitled to a 10% discount
Weekend Batch
- (Sundays) 9:00am – 4:00pm
- Application Closing Date 25th August 2014
- English Aptitude Test/Interview 31st August 2014
- Inauguration/ Commencement of Lectures 14th September 2014
Online Applications are available on
For Further Information Contact
Lashika on 011 2199988 or Email –
Institute of Personnel Management Sri Lanka (Inc.)
HR HOUSE, No 43. Vijaya Kumaranathuriga Mawatha, Colombo 05 Tel: 011 2199988, 011 2768278, 011 2809902 Fax: 011 2199939
Or see below image

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