Applications are invited for an Inter Faculty, Multidisciplinary Masters Programme from eligible individuals working in state and private institutions, Universities, Non-Governmental Organisations Involved In Environmental Conservation, Management, Education, Legislation etc. and from personnel interested in environmental issues.
Programme Contents
A thorough knowledge about the environment and related issues through multidisciplinary and sustainable approach
Hands on experience through field visits, laboratory practical, discussions on subject related issues, and ecological field techniques
An emphasis on research related to the environment
Specialization in a number of related fields like biodiversity conservation, environmental policies, planning of protected areas, climate change, Environmental education and communication, cleaner production etc.
Programme Leads to
Pursue higher studies or
Career opportunities in the field of Environmental Conservation and Management
Admission Requirement
A Degree from a recognized university, or
Any other relevant qualification and experience acceptable to the Senate of the Open University of Sri Lanka
Applications forms and closing date
Available from 5th August to 29th August 2014 on a cash payment of Rs.1000/= at Public Information Office Colombo Regional Centre, Open University, Nawala, Nugegoda except on Public holidays between 9.00 a.m. – 3.00pm,
Regional Centers : Kandy (Polgolla), Matara (Nupe), Jaffna, Anuradapura, Batticaloa & Study Centers at Vauniya, Kurunegala, Badulla except on Sunday, Monday and public holidays.
Medium of study: English
Duration: Two Years
Venue: Colombo Regional Centre, Nawala, Nugegoda
For More details see below image or contact to Open university Public Information Office: 0112881256 or 0112881327
Or call Head, Environmental Studies Unit : 0112881456 or Coordinator, Environmental Studies Unit: 0112881423
Web site: www.ou.aclk/visit/esu
Completed applications should be hand delivered /posted to the Assistant Director or Regional Officer of the respective Regional Center or Study Center from where you bought the application form.
Application Closing Date: 29th August 2014
Prospective applicants could also submit applications online by visiting our webpage and Relevant payment could be made online through Debit / Credit card.

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