Cartoonist in News papers and websites are highly paid job, and many people think the cartoonist should be a born talent, which can’t be learnt.
Here is a chance for you to be a professional cartoonist and learn how to draw cartoon for news papers and websites. This workshop organised by Srilanka Press Institute on 23rd and 28th June 2014 at Srilanka press institute.
Areas to be cover
- Basic drawing techniques
- What materials to use
- Scaling, framing and perspective
- Coming up with and transferring ideas to paper
- Developing your own style
Gihan de Chitkera has been drawing political cartoons for the Daily Mirror newspaper since 2004, In 2012 he won ‘Cartoonist of the year’ at the Journalism Awards for Excellence
Venue –Srilanka Press Institute
Medium – English
Workshop 1- Monday, June 23rd2014, from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm
Workshop 2- Saturday, June 28th 2014 from 10.00 am to 2.30 pm
Fee – LKR.2500/=
For more intimation please contact
Srilanka Press Institute at 96, Kirulu Road, Colombo 05.
Or see below image

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