This workshop is directed at HR personnel, line managers and executives who would benefit from an overview of the labour laws and practices in Sri Lanka.
- The sources which governs the employment today.
- The legal framework governing employer-employee relations/industrial relations in Sri Lanka.
- Introduction to the contract of employment, Contract for Services and various types of employment.
- Statutory provisions relating to work arrangements and Administrative relaxation
- Ascertain the powers and limitations of Trade Unions.
- Employee misconduct and the laws relating to the termination of employment.
- Superannuation Benefits
Contents of the Program:
- Provisions in the Shop and Office Employees Act
- Provisions in the Wages Board Ordinance
- Provisions in the Industrial Dispute Act
- Provisions in the Workman’s Compensation Ordinance
- Provisions in the Termination of Employment of Workmen (Special Provisions) Act
- Significance of the guide lines for BOI Enterprises
- Handling a Domestic Inquiry
- Become familiar with the law of Dismissal
- Law relating to vacation of post
- Ascertaining the Powers and Limitations of Labour Unions
Practical sessions and group discussion on relevant case law
Workshop Details:
Date & Time: 25,h March 2014 (Tuesday) from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Venue: Institute of Personnel Management Sri Lanka (inc.) “HR House”,
No.43,Vijaya Kumaranathunga Mawatha,
Narahenpita, Colombo – 05.
Investment: Rs. 7,500/- + 2% NBT (Inclusive of course materials, Lunch & Refreshments) NBT Reg. No.409060870-9000
Special Corporate Discount: 05 or more participants: 10%
Facilitator: Mr. Mahendra Silva
He has over 15 years’ experience in Industrial Relations/Labour Law/Corporate Law/Employee Relations in eminent companies in Sri Lanka together with an international exposure in Industrial Relations and in the Trade Unionism with International Labour Organization (ILO).
Muzamil – 011 2199988, 077 3090147
For more detail contact to 011 2199988. 011 2768278. 011 2809902 Fax: 011 2199939 Email: Web: or see below image

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